Monday, April 14, 2008

So what's up with that Barbarella remake?

From worstpreviews, There's something kind of gross about the whole relationship between Robert Rodriguez and Rose McGowan. He left his wife and producing partners of many years when he met McGowan on the set of Grindhouse, and even though that movie utterly flopped at the box office, Rodriguez almost immediately decided to cast his new girlfriend in the remake of Barbarella. Yes McGowan, previously with one leg and one machine gun, would be stepping into Jane Fonda's iconically sexy spaceboots.

There have been rumors for months that McGowan would be recast, or the movie wouldn't go forward at all, but McGowan is here to say it's all lies, damn lies! “[The news that I was out] was really irritating because I know all the people over there and obviously it wasn’t true. It was very malicious and there was no proof.” Yeah, Rose, let it all out! The movie hasn't started production yet, but that's mostly because of the looming SAG strike, which would have all the actors walking off set in July. But plenty of progress has been made. “Half of the sets have been built. The costumes are done. [I've] even got my spaceships. I’ve got part of a spaceship built for me!”

Regardless of how you feel about McGowan, you've got to admit you want your own spaceship. And regardless of how you feel about Rodriguez, you've got to admit that Barbarella isn't exactly asking for a serious remake, but is well-suited to the exploitation, grindhouse aesthetic Rodriguez seems to be interested in. The trick is to get anyone but teenage boys to flock to a movie about a hot chick in space. Yeah, I'm not sure how you do that either.

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