Wednesday, April 02, 2008

When did this go from cool to incredibly embarrassing?


Octopunk said...


Johnny Sweatpants said...

Uh oh.. You don't want to offend those Cusack-heads on this blog! They can be very dangerous when he's attacked.

JPX said...

"Cusack-heads" you mean, chicks?

DKC said...

Hey now, Hey now. There will be no John Cusack bashing here. You can bash the boom-box over the head idea if you must - but not the Cusack.

AC said...

you know our dcd loves her some john cusack, so leave him alone or we "chicks" will attack asia argento.

with sarcasm.

Landshark said...

It's hard to pick the most embarrassing part of that photo, but I gotta go with the ankle weights.

Peter Gabriel is still pretty cool though, even if this scene (and a million mixed tapes from the late 80s) ruined that song.

DKC said...

Ha-Ha Landshark! Made me LOL.

Thanks for the back-up AC! :)

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