Sunday, May 10, 2009

Woody Allen is lying to you!

So I watched the trailer below and something was nagging at me. So I watched it again, and captured this still.

What a depressing picture, right? Lady Liberty all crowded out by the industrial clutter of New Jersey. Well, guess what?

Here's a photo that hasn't been tampered with, and you can see that the Bayonne Bridge and all those freighter cranes are actually waaaaay back there. So it's not as bad as all that.

I can see how Woody Allen would do that, to slant the backdrop to match his angst-ridden story. But I'm surprised that someone who loves New York City like he does (or so I assume) would go for that particular bit of optical deceipt. So now you know.


50PageMcGee said...

maybe he was doing that hitchcock vertigo thing.

i thought you were going to say that he superimposed oakland onto a shot of the statue of liberty.

JPX said...

Man, either way those cranes are an eyesore. Jersey really deserves its bad reputation.

Landshark said...

Interesting, I remember a friend and major movie buff being really peeved that the Ameile guys had done a lot of similar stuff with Paris, and he felt like it was cheating or something.

JPX said...

I don't believe that Amelie is an apt comparison. The main premise of Amelie is to convey the "magical" nature of falling in love. The alteration of the Paris landscape is intentional and designed to create a dreamscape in three colors, red, green, and gold. The alteration of the environment is to say to the audience, "you have entered a fairy tale". It never pretends to be grounded in reality.

Amelie is one of my favorite films.

Catfreeek said...

Amelie is one of my favorite films as well :)

Octopunk said...

"The main premise of Amelie is to convey the 'magical' nature of falling in love. The alteration of the Paris landscape is intentional and designed to create a dreamscape in three colors, red, green, and gold. The alteration of the environment is to say to the audience, 'you have entered a fairy tale'. It never pretends to be grounded in reality."

JPX is a big girl.

Octopunk said...

Actually, I'm a big girl too, cuz I love Amelie.

Having lived in NYC for fourteen years it's amazing the bullshit movies get away with depicting its geography. There are tons of flicks that I've referred to taking place in "worm hole New York" because of the way characters can magically transport dozens of blocks between cuts. I guess that's not the same thing as digitally altering stuff in post, but it feels similar.

And while I don't think either thing is "cheating" exactly, there are so many movies trying to present New York like the Scuzzhole of Scuzz Planet that I feel the need for the occasional rebuttal.

New York City is awesome. Woody, I'm surprised at you.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...