Suffering a torrent of abuse at the hands of a sadistic nun, a group of boarding school girls conspire to deal with their mutual problem and the nun is never seen again. Fast-forward 20 years. The boarding school girls are all off living their lives until one by one they begin to die horrible deaths at the hands of a vengeful ghost-nun. Will they be able to stop the killing spree in time?
First of all I can’t believe that it took until 2006 before someone finally realized, “Nuns are scary!” I mean, I’ve seen this one on TV for years and I find her uber-creepy, don’t you?

Just imagine being stuck in an elevator with her. Shudder. That’s what no sex looks like. Anyhoo, The Nun turned out to be surprisingly fun. Despite the predictable nature of this kind of film, which is really just a series of well-choreographed set pieces designed to kill off each of the now-adult boarding school girls, the film remains engaging. Production values are top-notch here and the vengeful ghost imagery is completely effective and really pretty damn creepy. Its main weakness is that save one very early dream-sequence scene, the nun is never shown abusing these girls, which makes it difficult to understand their motivation for eliminating her. You might argue that the motivation is that she’s a nun.
Wow, you're just slamming with the good movie titles today. "The Nun." I like it. (No, I'm not being sarcastic).
The NUN. I imagine that guy who did Orson Welles on The Critic saying it: "but they weren't prepared for...the NUN."
That picture of the tv nun sent shivers up my spine! I always seem to stumble into her when channel surfing. That nun can talk and talk and talk and she's always so angry and sure of herself.
"she's always so angry and sure of herself"
Yes!!! She embodies everything I hate about Catholicism, that "I know better than you" judgmental attitude.
I'll bet she's paddled many an ass in her day.
She was even scarier for awhile because she had a patch over her left eye - under her glasses!
She's gotta be dead by now - but I still see her on tv, I think they run the "Best of the scary nun."
I think she's alive and kicking. I see her all the time on TV, unless what I'm seeing is reruns of her craziness.
I remember the eye-patch!
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