In Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis, the Borg, I mean Cenobites, damnit I mean zombies return after a group of teenagers accidentally release hordes of the dead while attempting to rescue their friend from the clutches of the evil Mega Corporation Hybratech. Hybratech, apparently involved in many consumer products, has been secretly testing the chemical compound, Trioxyn-5 on human subjects. The compound, as you might have guessed, re-animates the dead. While looking for their friend the gang stumbles upon some even secreter experiments, super-zombies! Yep, as you see in the pictures the evil corporation (there’s always an evil corporation, huh?) is working with the government to create a corpse army. Once the zombies are (finally) released, we get the requisite zombie stampede and much blood is let.

Sigh. I love the original Return of the Living Dead movie for a variety of reasons. Director Dan O'Bannon found the perfect humor/gore formula and damnit it worked. I’ve never seen any of the 4 sequels until Necrapolis (spelling error intentional). There’s not much to like here folks. The teens are grating and it takes a long time before we get some serious zombie action. In the meantime we get a lot of padding including a way-too-long scene of the teens motorcrossing.
Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis zombie

Star Trek Borg queen

Hellraiser cenobites

1 comment:
Yeah that's some amazing Borg knockoffery going on there. Shame on them! It's like all they cared about was making a cheap buck, or something. What would this genre be if that were the driving force behind it?
A lot of really bad movies, that's what.
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