Thursday, July 19, 2007

9 Superhero Powers That Would Be More Trouble Than They're Worth

From Cracked,

#6 Super-breath

As cool as it'd be to have any super-power… well, nobody's getting laid with super-breath. We don't care how many orphanages you save using it, it just sounds stupid.
"What's your power?"
"I blow things!"
" Pfff! No, seriously, what's your power?"
If wasn't bad enough, it also makes you look like a dumbass while you're using it. Even Superman doesn't look cool all hunched over, cheeks puffed out, pushing air through pursed lips to knock out an arch-nemesis or blow out a raging fire. We're not denying that it's useful. It's just not terribly dignified. Plus, if you plan on using this power on a regular basis, you'd best have some breath mints on your person.


Octopunk said...

That's actually one of the best Cracked articles we've posted yet. So much so I'll reproduce the list:

9. Telepathy
8. Super Intelligence
7. Wearing a Mech Suit
6. Super Breath
5. Splitting
4. Shrinking
3. Matter-eating
2. Magnetism
1. Being Aquaman

The thing is, I can see serious real-world problems with having numbers 9, 8, 7, 4 and 2 -- all of which are kind of "legitimate" super powers at face value.

DKC said...

Loved it!


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...