For one brilliant, flickering moment, she was poised to become a star. By the age of 17, Lindsay Lohan had played lead roles in four major films, two of them significant hits. In 2004, her first album had gone platinum. Mean Girls had opened at $24 million and had transported her from cute kid to budding sex symbol and style icon. Hollywood wanted to mold her into the next Julia Roberts. By last week, at the age of 21, she had blown it all away. ''She had the world at her feet,'' says the head of a major studio. ''And right now, she'd have to pay a studio to get herself into a movie.''
On July 24, just 11 days after leaving rehab, Lohan was arrested for cocaine possession and suspicion of drunk driving. Whether she does time or not, she's built her own prison in Hollywood. Her latest film, I Know Who Killed Me, premiered last week to an abysmal $3.5 million. ''The rate at which she has fallen, and gotten back up, and fallen again, does not inspire confidence,'' says one producer. ''It's always challenging for a young actor to mature into an adult star. It takes great planning, sophistication, and judgment. She hasn't shown any of those things.'' Lohan has not had a hit since Mean Girls, and her grosses have been declining. She hasn't opened a movie above $10 million since 2005's Herbie: Fully Loaded. Of the producers and high-ranking execs who spoke to Entertainment Weekly — some of whom have worked with Lohan, and most of whom insisted on anonymity so they could speak frankly — almost none would hire her now. ''Her career was over long before she had these troubles,'' says the studio head. ''The media treat her like she's Will Smith or Tom Cruise, like she's some big star, but she simply isn't.''
If Lohan wanted to blame somebody other than herself, she wouldn't have to look far. There's her mother, who seems to want to be a best friend rather than a parent. There's her ex-con father. There's the L.A. bar scene that serves underage stars and Hollywood's compulsion to turn child actors into products, plus a frenzied 21st-century media culture that has made Lohan and other celebs into exotic prey in flashbulb cages. ''It's ridiculous how different things are than they were 10 years ago,'' says Robert Downey Jr., who declined to speak about Lohan specifically, but waged his own public battle with addiction. ''Nowadays, the leap from instant stardom to instant bad boy or girl is so quick. It's a real challenge to reconcile your own process of becoming an adult with the temptation of celebrity.''
Lohan's young, but to say she's a victim of the blogarazzi misses the point. She was, after all, created by that very same culture. And she didn't exactly object. Without all the tabloid covers and red carpets and cell-phone photos and mug shots, Lohan would not be a household name; she would simply be a talented ingenue with a substance-abuse problem, a messed-up family, and a mediocre box office record. Harsh? Maybe so, but that's the cold calculus of Hollywood. ''Her troubles are what made her famous,'' says one studio exec. ''Her films don't open. She's a pain to work with. I think she's done.'' Others go so far as to worry that career death may be the least of Lohan's concerns. Says another exec: ''I think she has to stay alive.''
See rest here, http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20049806_2,00.html
I read an article comparing her to Robert Downey Jr - that rightfully pointed out that he was an Oscar nominee before he got messed up.
LL - not so much. I guess I feel some kind of sympathy for her, her family is royally f'd, but the whole id-driven, worship-me attitude just pisses me off.
I want to again go on record noting that several years ago I predicted that all of this would happen to her, ask Octo!
Fuck her. I've never seen a Lindsay Lohan movie and I have always thought she was a Long Island skank with no charisma or talent and an enormous ego. Spears sold a billion records and Hilton has her family fortune (or, not). This one is pure hype, and about as pleasant to read about as a lead poisoning epidemic.
"This one is pure hype, and about as pleasant to read about as a lead poisoning epidemic."
I just said "Ha!" so loudly that I think the patients sitting in the waiting room heard me!
dcd says it's id; I say it's ego. What do you think, jpx: superego?
My diagnosis? Borderline personality disorder. Let's review the criteria:
A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
1. frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
2. a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
3. identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
4. impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5.
5. recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
6. affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).
7. chronic feelings of emptiness
8. inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
9. transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
See also: Britany Spears (who might be bipolar), Courtney Love, Princess Diana, Angela Jolie, Naomi Campbell, Rosie O'Donnell...
You guys both just made me laugh out loud! Jeez, I go away for awhile and come back to eight million commments!
Okay, okay, I hate her too.
Oh come on JPX, you think everyone's borderline. The criteria:
1) No evidence
2) No evidence
3) Ok
4) Sure
5) No evidence
6) Debatable
7) Debatable
8) Fair enough
9) Huh?
My diagnosis: Stupid girl with too much money and access to drugs.
Spears: Idiot cracker, but bipolar
O'Donnel: bipolar
Hilton: Idiot; spoiled
Diana: bipolar
Campbell: bipolar
Love: bitch
Jolie: HOTT
(But everyone knows "Love is a bitch")
Ah you guys are making the mistake many do with psychistric diagnosis. Bipolar is the differential for Borderline because on paper they look very similar. I don't doubt that these people are spoiled to the core but there is enough evidence in all of the behavior of these individuals (over the years) to infer borderline personality.
What do you mean "you guys"?
I agree with Jordan:
Jolie: HOTT
Anyway, if you've really seen LOST seasons 1-2 and you think they're "making it up as they go along" then you just aren't paying attention. You need to go back and watch them again and watch all of them, in order, with a reasonable amount of time in between, not missing or skipping any parts.
Wait, wait, wait.
How did THIS post become about Lost too??
She doesn't have borderline boob disorder.
She was awesome in The Parent Trap. Too bad she turned out to be such a freak.
All of this makes me so glad I just barely avoided becoming hugely rich and famous in Hollywood. Lucky, lucky me, ending up sane and poor in this place. I feel so fortunate.
I'm not sure which part of this I like better, Jordan sticking his Lost comment onto the wrong post or this line from JPX:
"Ah you guys are making the mistake many do with psychistric diagnosis."
It's like when Data goes into an overly long explanation and Picard has to say "do shut up."
Oh, and JPX is telling the truth, he did totally predict this train wreck, and he linked it to her dubious family influence. I think the article is being unfair when it says "she didn't exactly object" to all the attention. What teenager would? The media machine is telling them that this is what they all want. If there's no respectable parental force in play, odds are on train wreck.
(Personally I'm hoping Dakota Fanning's parents have their act together.)
Except for the fact that Dakota Fanning apparently never see the sun, so far - so good.
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