Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Kittie Konundrum

Pictured above is our cat Willow perched elegantly on my chess board. She enjoys climbing, killing birds and catnip. The second picture is the new kid in town. We call him "Balls" because he's a stray and hasn't been neutered. Normally we have a zero tolerance policy with stray cats but as you can see, Balls looks like the male version of Willow. To complicate things further, they actually get along. Balls is the only cat that doesn't openly despise her and try to kill her.

We can't take him in because then we'd have 3 cats which makes us crazy cat people. But I don't want to call the SPCA because that's a death sentence and I kind of like having Balls around. Gobaers - what should I do?


JPX said...

Yes Gobaers, we await you wisdom! Why do anything? It sounds like Willow has a friend. As long as Balls isn't stealing her food let it be!

miko564 said...

JSP, I have made fun of plenty of "crazy cat" people in my time, but I think you would get a pass with Balls. (Although if you did keep him and get him fixed would it be Empty Sack then?)
Since he looks exactly like Willow, when people ask how many cats you have say 2. When they mention seeing a third, look at them with the pitying look one gives the clinically insane.

Julie said...

You know, my last boyfriend and I adopted a third cat, and it is a lot of extra work. But it's also fun, if the cats get along. You should let him in, give him a little Advantage, and chop the balls, IMO. If he's an outdoor cat, he might not even add to the litter too much.

The ex got custody of Black, our third cat, so now Octo and I only have two, which makes us only almost crazy. Oh, and we're also having a kid. Oh, and Octo has over 100,000 Legos. So really, it's not just the cats that are the arbiter of craziness.

JPX said...

Balls is starting to grow on me. If you do decide to keep Balls, make sure you take him to a vet first to ensure that he doesn't have some terrible disease.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Thanks for the tips folks. I think we'd get a discount on the old snip snip if we bring in a stray. But Balls ain't going nowhere without a serious flea bath first.

I hadn't thought about the name change though. Empty Sac doesn't really roll off the tongue...

DKC said...

When we lived in Key West, where there are strays EVERYWHERE - we ended up adopting and fixing a couple of cats.
Unfortunately, one got hit by a car and the other one took off one day and never came back.

Then we got Bella - the fattest cat in history.

miko564 said...

DCD as former Law Enforcement, I hate to inform you that the second cat likely ran away because he was driving the car that struck the first cat....

Octopunk said...

Good one! It's obvious when you think about it.

Whatever you decide, you crazy cat guy, it's essential that you keep the name Balls. Even in memorium, Balls is an excellent name.

My questions:

Does your other domesticated cat despise and try to kill Willow?

Is Willow named after the lesbian witch in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or the magic midget?

Octopunk said...

Oh yeah! I remember Bella. One time when I was crashing at DCD's house she whizzed on the pair of sweatpants I used as pajama bottoms. After I angrily laundered them I left the pile of warm clothes on the floor for about 20 minutes before I got dressed for bed. To my horror I discovered that during that 20 minutes that fat cat had peed on them AGAIN.

What's worse is I was actually wearing them for a bit before I found out. Although she'd really soaked 'em, she magically avoided the parts that touched my skin, so for a few minutes I sat there wondering "where is that rank smell coming from?"

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Rowan loathes Willow and greets her every morning with a harsh slap to the face.

Both Rowan and Willow are named after the Wicker Man movie. (Rowan was the missing child and Willow was the landlord's daughter.)

That Bella story is the funniest thing I've heard all day!

DKC said...

The other funny Bella story came courtesy of our brother Tim who picked her up one time when she made a break for the outside. She had such a tummy, he said holding her was like picking up that "Ecto-ooze" stuff from Ghostbusters!

AC said...

if it's not too late, i vote keep balls and keep his name.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...