Tuesday, April 01, 2008

20 Worst Comic-Book Movies Ever

Did you even know that a fourth installment of the Superman franchise was made? Yeah, thought so. Even a muscled Christopher Reeve and sinister Gene Hackman couldn't save this meteor from hitting, which has the flying crusader impossibly saving seemingly all the landmarks across the globe, like the Statue of Liberty, Mount Etna, and the Great Wall of China. Sadly, he didn't get around to saving his dignity.

See the other 19 here


Johnny Sweatpants said...

1) Ghost Rider
2) The Shadow
3) Barb Wire
4) Catwoman
5) Brenda Starr ('92 with Brooke Shields??)
6) The Phantom
7) Daredevil
8) Tank Girl
9) Fantastic Four
10) Sheena (1984)
11) Punisher (2004)
12) Supergirl
13) Barbarella
14) Howard the Duck
15) Steel (1997) Starring Shaq. WTF?
16) Swamp Thing
17) Batman and Robin
18) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
19) Superman IV
20) Judge Dredd

JPX said...

Spoil sport!

I might have to put Steel in my Netflix post haste!

Octopunk said...

I'm glad to be able to review a list instead of clicking through all those pix, although I clicked through 'em anyway.

I agree that Tank Girl should've been a cartoon, but I must say I loved that flick. And Barbarella shouldn't be on this list, either. Maaaybe not Swamp Thing. The rest are trash.

Frankie Freako

(2024) ***1/2 Is a movie that's *trying* to be Stupid And Annoying, and succeeds at being both, therefore a good movie? It really depend...