Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ebert undergoes another surgery

Today is Roger Ebert's 41st anniversary as the film critic at The Chicago Sun-Times. He has written a letter to readers saying he'll soon return to movie reviewing, but he still cannot speak. Here's an excerpt:

"Are you as bored with my health as I am? I underwent a third surgery in January, this one in Houston, and once again there were complications. I am sorry to say that my ability to speak was not restored. That would require another surgery.

"But I still have all my other abilities, including the love of viewing movies and writing about them. And at my side I have my angelic wife, Chaz. ....

"I am still cancer-free, and not ready to think about more surgery at this time. I should be content with the abundance I have.

"So that’s the latest. I have been so moved by the messages I’ve received from so many of you. Thank you. Now let’s go to the movies."

1 comment:

Octopunk said...

I wish Ebert well, but more and more he's looking like Davros from the Doctor Who serial.

Frankie Freako

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