Friday, April 04, 2008

Welcome Back Ladies!

My geek is showing, I am very excited about the return of Battlestar tonight.


JPX said...

Every picture I have ever seen for BG has been just people standing around. I know this is an awesome show based on what everyone has said, but are there any space ships, lasers, robots, etc? If you just go by the pictures alone you get the impression that it's just a show about dysthymia. Enlighten me people!

I'm going to check the whole series out very soon.

Octopunk said...

There's plenty of action for you! And unlike the original series, you won't see the same Cylon ship blown up every episode.

Thanks for the head's up, Miko! I just set up Tivo to catch it. Of course, I had to look up the title of the new one since SciFi is doing an all day marathon...

"He That Believeth In Me"

AC said...

a work pal who i got hooked on LOST (he started three weeks ago and is now completely caught up) who also loves buffy and avatar highly recommends battlestar.

while this should be sufficient inducement, i too would welcome any horrothonner's thoughts on the merits of the series before i commit.

Octopunk said...

Do it do it do it!

It's really worth it. It's drama that keeps on delivering a la Lost but with fewer sneaky tricks.

AC said...

that's enough for me.

after i finish firefly (also my work buddy's recommendation) i'm all over bg.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Battlestar will be a tough sell in my home, it'll likely join the team of things I watch on my "own time" along with Stephen Seagal movies, KISS bootlegs, 1940's cliff hangers and gory horror flicks. I'm just happy that Running Freak is into Star Trek (OS).

Also - weren't the original Cylons really cool looking? Why change their look?

miko564 said...

AC, the best compliment I can pay the writing and acting on BG is that sometimes as you watch a scene you are suprised when you remember they are in doesnt' play like sci-fi, but like a good drama. (Oh and there are hot chicks/dudes and space battles too)

Octopunk said...

Firefly rules also! When you finish the series, make sure to wrap it up with the movie Serenity.

AC said...

johnny, i hear you! with a lot of this stuff, i'm "on my own time."

miko, that's one hell of a plug. i have added bg to my netflix queue.

deal, octo! i seem to remember reviews of serenity were mixed, but suspect i will want a little more time in the company of that yummy cast.

miko564 said...

AC (and anyone else interested), GE beta-tested NBC's new video on demand site for employees and just opened it to the public, no charge as of yet. Every episode of Firefly is available on the site. 15 second commercials every 10 or 15 minutes....

AC said...

thanks miko!

Frankie Freako

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