Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'll Never Work Again!: Giant Tetris Online

From geekology, Looking for a great way to piss away your work day? How about starting a giant game of Tetris? Even after a full eight hours of gameplay you'll probably be nowhere! The screencap here is of me playing for five minutes, and then letting it drop shapes on its own for another 2 hours and 42 minutes (larger version HERE). You can leave your desk, go take a nap in your car, and have barely missed a thing. WHEE! I double-dog-dare somebody to fill the whole thing except for a line on one of the sides. You would be my hero! And also, a loser. Mostly a loser. DO IT!

Play it right now here


50PageMcGee said...

piss away your work day? yes

great way to do so? not a f-king chance. i played for 14 minutes and 39 seconds and got about halfway across the bottom of the screen when i misplaced one of the S pieces. faced with the daunting prospect of ANOTHER 15 minutes just to get across the rest of the bottom half of the screen and then having to do it all over again just to get ONE LINE, i said, "no way in hell" and stopped playing.

this is by far the stupidest variation on tetris i have ever ever ever seen. i dare say it's the worst variation on any game altogether i've ever seen, and i'm including that version of roulette in which losing means accidentally blowing your brains out.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Preach on brother!

JPX said...

I'm impressed that you played for almost 15 minutes, it's maddening!


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...