Monday, March 16, 2009

Recommended purchase for Horrorthonners

This is a steal at $40! Don't get me wrong, you're certainly sacrificing quality over quantity, but I've discovered a lot of gems in this collection, (as well as a lot of crap). It includes many b-movie "classics". Go here for the complete list, of what's included


Johnny Sweatpants said...

Cool. That is one shitload of movies. Makes my 50 packs seem pretty pathetic.

I won't be able to post my Finish it Friday bit until tonight. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait. We thank you for your patience. As always, thank you for visiting Horrorthon. We at Horrorthon understand that there are many blogs out there that you could be wasting your time on and we appreciate your attention.

JPX said...

JSP, I believe this 250 pack is just a compilation of all the 50 packs we own. Still, 250 sounds much cooler than "several 50 packs". I seriously want to purchase it even though I already have all of these movies. What the hell is the matter with me?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I know - I'll probably end up buying it too. 'Cuz if there's one thing I need it's another copy of Atom Age Vampire and Dementia 13...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

The more I check in with Horrorthon, the more I look at the box. The more I look at the box, the more it occurs to me that the product will be mine one day. I like how it says "Christopher Lee" on it.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

And that's one fierce looking Christopher Lee to boot. I say damn! If that doesn't say "bloodthirsty" then I don't know what does.

JPX said...

That's so funny! Even on a box Lee's vampire is able to manipulate your behavior with his hynotizing stare.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...