Thursday, July 23, 2009

Daily Spider-Man - Today's Edition: A thug messes with the wrong guy


50PageMcGee said...

"also blades."

JPX said...

Sigh, another two panel day. I think Lee is dragging this out as slowly as possible. What's your guess, in tomorrow's edition do you think the two will fight or will the thug just run away?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

At least they finally got "Snikt" right.

I like how the guy called him "Whiskers".

Octopunk said...

Judging by the thug's pose in the first panel, he's going to dance away.

It's nice that something's sort of happening, but my warm glow is diminished by the blantant ripoff of Crocodile Dundee.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...