Thursday, March 01, 2007

Coming soon, another movie to piss off Christianists

above: Scientist Charles Darwin, whose life's work would later be disproven by Christian myth.
From Iwatchstuff, "Variety has announced that a biopic of Charles Darwin, based on the biography Annie's Box by the scientist's great-great-grandson Randall Keynes, is being planned. The film is being written by Master and Commander scribe John Collee and is set for a release in 2009. Unless another stronger, fitter biopic overtakes it."


Jordan said...

Change it to "piss off Christianists." I don't think Christians will mind, necessarily.

Octopunk said...

No, because the movie includes the scene of one of Satan's flying devil-monkeys dictating the theory of natural selection while sitting on the rim of the Galapagos Hellmouth.


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