Thursday, May 15, 2008

OMG is Beast in 'X-Men Origins: Magneto'!?

From iwatchstuff, Huge news about the Magneto origin movie... there might be another character from the X-Men universe in it! Crazy, right? The story goes like this: Someone from Latino Review was visiting Hellboy II's creature effects shop when they noticed a photo of a furry, blue gentleman with a tail. He was all like, "What's that?" And they were all like, "That's young Beast for the upcoming Magneto." And then the internet was all like, "WTF Beast doesn't have a tail! Maybe it's Nightcrawler! Is Beast in this? Everything is relevant!", thus temporarily distracting the internet until a new video of someone doing something funny could be created.

Personally, while I couldn't care less if Beast is in Magneto, I hope this doesn't mean they totally redesigned the character. I really liked the ridiculous Beethoven-meets-My Pet Monster Doll look Kelsey Grammer had.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

Why wasn't Nightcrawler in X-Men 3 again?

Octopunk said...

That is a very good question and I don't know the answer, but I wonder if two blue guys in one movie is one too many.

"Everything is relevant!" That cracked me up.

I also hope they don't give Young Beast a tail. Lame.


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