From geekology, A recent study conducted by Birmingham Science City has revealed that an alarming number of British folks believe science-fiction technologies actually exist today. The highlights (or lowlights depending on how you feel about the future of society):
• More than a fifth of adults believe light sabers exist.
• Almost 25 percent of people believe humans can be teleported.
• Nearly 50 percent of adults believe that memory-erasing technology exists.
• More than 40 percent believe that hover boards exist.
• Almost one-fifth of adults believe they can see gravity
To their credit, memory-erasing technology actually DOES exist *puts thumb to lips and pretends to drink straight from a bottle* but believing the rest of that stuff? That's just embarrassing. WHAT ARE YOU BLOKES -- STUPID?! "Americans scored twice as poorly." SONOFA!
In their defense, Robert Zemeckis once said in an interview that hoverboards did exist and that parent advocates for children's safety were keeping them off the market. I was firmly convinced of this from 5th grade through high school when I read that Zemeckis was full of it.
With Mars Needs Moms, karma has finally gotten its revenge on Zemeckis.
I just read that thing about Zemeckis recently. What a dick move!
The rest of that stuff is whackadoo, although I certainly wish it all existed.
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