From toplessrobot, Kevin Costner has been needlessly cast as Pa Kent in Zack Snyder's Superman movie. As you'll recall, Diane Lane has been equally overcast as Ma Kent, which was announced not long after Sally Field was cast as Aunt May in the Spider-Man reboot. This trend annoys me. The movie's supposed to be about Superman, not his goddamned foster parents. I shouldn't have to think about how many times I saw Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in 1991 while I watch Clark have a tender moment with his folks.
Obviously, this is the price we pay for getting relative unknowns as the superheroes themselves. The studios demand stars in their movies, but the directors know that if you cast well-known actors, you just see them, not the characters they portray. So in compromise, they cast bankable stars in incredibly distracting bit parts instead. I get that. I just don't like it.
Feh. That is annoying. But I thought from the post title Costner was going to be Jor El, which would be more annoying.
You're all crazy! Costner as Pa Kent is fucking brilliant. Who cares about Jor-El? The only reason Jor El is part of the fucking story is because of Warner casting Brando and Tom Mankeiwicz' idiotic ideas about crystals and Christ imagery. Jor El wasn't even invented until a few years into the original Superman run. Pa Kent is the important character (and Glenn Ford's two big scenes in Superman were superb). Costner? It's perfect! I don't understand any of this hate!
"Fucking brilliant?" Really?
My objection to both ideas is because he doesn't look right. I like Pa Kent to look like Glenn Ford, which is also how John Byrne drew him. And to a lesser extent because of the distracting factor as stated by the topless robot guy.
Hmm. I just looked on imdb and realized I haven't seen Costner in a movie since Waterworld, so my impressions may be out of date.
Well, I hope he isn't wearing his Mariner costume when he plays Pa Kent, that would totally suck!
(For the record, I love Waterworld)
Says Snyder:
"Jonathan Kent is the only father figure Clark has ever had, the man who was there to help Clark understand what he was meant to do in the world as Superman. Kevin will be able to communicate the quiet strength of this rural American man who raised the greatest superhero of all time."
I agree with every word.
Also, Costner has an unusually high skill level when it comes to (i.e. do you believe what this guy says onscreen). It's why he's so good in JFK and in Eastwood's A Perfect World and even in Waterworld: like Gene Hackman, Costner talks in this totally realistic way about very implausible stuff and makes you believe it. So the Clark and his Dad scenes can be, you know, real scenes with a fucking great screen icon giving advice to a young Superman (who isn't fucking Brandon Routh).
When it comes to "truth" is what I meant to say. Goddamn slow browser! I feel like Spider Jerusalem!
Sure, if Spider Jerusalem looooved Kevin Costner.
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