As some of you know, I work in a mood disorders clinic. I’m in the oldest building on the Rhode Island Hospital grounds and as such my building doesn’t receive much love. The only painting that hangs in our hallway is pictured above. Every time I walk past it I feel sad. Sure it’s terrible art, but doesn’t it also evoke bleakness? I mean, what do you get from it? I see a kid that’s been abandoned by his parents in the Silent Hill world.
Seriously, who would hang this thing in a mood disorders clinic where people come to receive treatment for depression? The kid is standing next to a dumpster that says “sand box” (!) Okay I get that its sand for the icy sidewalk but it just makes the juxtaposition of the abandoned, soon to freeze to death or get kidnapped from a pedophile, boy all the more dreary. Aside from bad art, what do you see when you look at this thing?
I prefer this boss Six Million Dollar Man puzzle I assembled the other night,
I think you should secretly swap out the 6 Million dollar man puzzle and see if anyone notices.
Ha, love it!
Wow, you actually put together a jigsaw puzzle.
When I worked for Bank of America our office was populated by bland abstract art prints. One day I was in my boss's office and I happened to look over my shoulder and noticed two paintings I'd never really registered before, since I was always facing her when I was in there. They were more of the same, bad examples of Kandisky or Miro or whoever.
I said "Oh, I never noticed those before" and my boss muttered "I hate those paintings."
And I thought, here's this woman in a nutshell. She comes to work and spends eight hours a day staring at two paintings she hates. Fucking take them down, you dummy!
Maybe it was painted by a depressed patient who was abandoned as a child. So they hung it in homage to his shitty life.
You should Sharpie some tentacles coming out of the sand box.
That painting is hilarious! What is it about sad children that I find so very amusing?
JPX did you ever assemble the Horrorthon puzzle?
I second the tentacles.
That reminds me:
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