This one goes out to AC. Her three stanza series was provocative and featured me in a starring role.
since when's "mcgee" a jewish name?
i tell you what i think
our fitty shifts religious views
to generate a stink
if that is fair (and no it's not)
i'll tell you what i'll do;
pretend that i'm a catholic
and not agnostic jew
so what i'm giving up for lent
should aggravate the rabble
not least of all our fitty p
i'll give up facebook scrabble!
Having not given up self-love for Lent, I'm so totally into that strategy. It also gives me an opportunity to point out that, three moves and two bingos in, it looks (for the precarious moment) as though I'm about to deal AC a once-in-a-blue-moon ass-kicking in Facebook Scrabble.
Pffft. No wonder she's giving it up till Easter.
And for the record, mom's Irish Catholic, which I guess makes me technically not a Jew. I *was* bar-mitzvah'ed at Masada and I grew up in the Valley, which makes me as Jewish as almost anyone else I know.
Congrats AC, I knew you had it with that brilliant little run.
hah hah! thanks 50p, i'm honored, and will try to take my facebook scrabble ass-kicking like a gentleman.
Congrats, AC! Last week I had a rare day where every back-to-back patient actually showed up so I never had a moment to throw in any haikus.
AC, you're Jewish?
Congrats AC! I was all psyched about this topic because I had just seen someone with ash on their forehead... then it turned out I had nothing else to say about Lent.
Whenever I find out someone is half Jewish and half Catholic I ask them if they're renting storage space to house their extra guilt. But I know 50P's got that big van for it.
thanks cat, jpx, and octopunk!
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