Thursday, December 08, 2011


Yes, JPX, it has a name: Coulrophobia, the "irrational" fear of clowns. I came across this definition following some links. So the medical/scientific community is right on top of this one, rest assured.

(more art here)


JPX said...

Very cool art. We treated a case of this at the anxiety center we worked at in Boston. It was featured on the television show "Phobia" on the National Geographic channel. I was featured in half the episode treating someone with a fear of lightening. I will never allow anyone to see it.

Catfreeek said...

Those images are great!

DKC said...

WHAT! What do you mean you will never allow anyone to see it!! I demand it be seeeeeeeeennnnn!!

JPX said...

Only Whirlygirl has seen it and I left the room while she watched it!

Crystal Math said...

I tried searching online for JPX's infamous connection to NatGeo to post here but ran out of time before running (or biking) to work. You should be proud of the work you do, JPX. I'll find it, one of these days.

Catfreeek said...

Hey JPX, your on imdb!

DKC said...

OMG! You actually are on IMDB! That is awesomesauce!

JPX said...

Wow, that's cool! Of course those jerks spelled my name wrong.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

You da man JPX!

Those clown pics are cool but I actually think that the scariest clowns are the ones not trying to be scary. The ones that just smile with a vacant expression are the ones who give me the heebie jeebies.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...