Wednesday, December 14, 2011

TWIN PEAKS Music Galore!

From aintitcoolnews, That's right! That gum you like is going to come back in style. Since March of this year Lynch has been slowly releasing unreleased tracks from TWIN PEAKS labeled as an "open album" steadily growing ever since. THE TWIN PEAKS ARCHIVE is now holding strong at 106 tracks totaling more than five hours of music! Each single track or small bundle is $0.99 while multiple track bundles are priced at $2.99 or $3.99. You can choose between high-quality 320kbps MP3s or Apple Lossless format.

I purchased about half the archive tonight and am currently downloading what I bought. I'll probably do the rest later tonight or tomorrow.

There's been no single show in the history of television that has stirred my passions quite like TWIN PEAKS. I still consider it the single most amazing program in the history of TV. Having all this music is a real treat. I wonder how long he can keep this going? How much more music is there?

I'd love hang red velvet curtains in a room floored with black and white herringbone tiles and play this entire archive on a continual loop 24/7.

...the birds sing a pretty song and there's always music in the air.


Jordan said...

Excellent news!

The season 2 album came out like ten years after the original "Music from Twin Peaks" album, which was rushed into stores and was woefully inadequate. I listen to both records (AND the score from the "Fire Walk With Me" movie, which I love BTW) all the time.

"Fire Walk With Me" was the first record I played on my first night in this apartment, nearly 20 years ago.

JPX said...

I think I'm more impressed that you have been in the same apartment for 20 years!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I listen to all 3 of those on a semi-regular basis too. Now I must own every last track!

Jordan said...

My favorite is the "Audrey loves Agent Cooper" melody (or whatever it's called) that was first heard on heavy synth "pipe organ" in season 1, and used over and over for the most poignant moments in the show. Then it got re-done in a slow-dance tempo with a saxophone doing the melodic line for season 2, and, finally, a Julie Cruse vocal of the same melody on the movie soundtrack ("Questions in a World of Blue.") My second favorite is James Hurley's "Just You" with the girls doing backup and the bass coming in on the second verse. Nobody makes the simplest, cheesiest blatantly-synth arrangements sound as sublime as Badalamenti does!

Jordan said...

And "sycamore trees," from Lynch's finale! Wow. They truncate it beautifully in the actual episode.

Jordan said...

I just checked: it's "Audrey's Prayer" (on the Season 2 album). Listening to it right now, and I need about five sweaters because I'm getting such chills. That low bass note on the second phrase...motifs borrowed from (I think) French Romantic music.

I can't find the sax version with the double-time triplets. Maybe it's part of the new release.

Crystal Math said...

I haven't even finished watching "Fire Walk with Me" because the first 30 minutes scared the crap out of me. I guess I should have reviewed it in October?

JPX said...

Don't watch Fire Walk WithMe if you have seen the original series first (I'm sure you've seen it but I'm just sayin').

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Crystal watched the entire series a few months ago but due to a DVD bootleg glitch she tragically missed the season 2 opener which is arguably my favorite episode. (I argue with myself about it.)

Listening to the season 2 album right now.. "Audrey's Prayer" is chilling Jordan! I like the one simply titled "Audrey" because it's soooo foreboding. The drum beat sets the mood. There's some sketchy things going on and everyone has something to hide.

Angelo Badalamenti did some great work on the Lost Highway soundtrack as well. Red Bats With Teeth gives me the willies (in a good way) every time I listen to it. It's like listening to a crime. Do you recommend any of his other stuff? I just noticed he did the Wicker Man remake soundtrack. I never even paid attention to the music because I was too distracted by the suck.

Crystal Math said...

JSP has surfaced a detail of my obsessive personality that I usually like to keep to myself: TV series marathon-viewing.

Last summer I gobbled up the Twin Peaks series within a week, and the winter before that I tore through the entire series of Daria (including the two made-for-MTV feature-length movies) in less than three weeks that I have off from work.

The only reason why he caught up in my viewings of the Deathnote series is because I only got 1 Netflix movie out at a time AND I don't want to stream movies from my teeny tiny netbook.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I followed the link that JPX posted and it led to the David Lynch site selling his new album "Crazy Clown Time", whatever the hell that is (sounds awesome actually). The website is cryptic (surprise, surprise) and when I finally located the "Twin Peaks Archive" I saw one $55.95 option for the entire download, which I find outrageously ridiculous. As a counter example, Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross's 2 hour 49 minute score for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is available for $11.99, which is reasonable and worth every penny.

Crystal fear not - you're not the only one on Horrorthon who devours seasons of television in short periods of time. I would much rather burn through a series than have to wait week by week and deal with commercials.

JPX said...

I used to record each episode of Twin Peaks on VHS back when they aired. During the season 2 opener I screwed things up and it didn't record. I agree that it's the best episode and it would be decades before I got to see it again.

Jordan said...

The best episodes of Twin Peaks are:

1) The Pilot
2) Episode 3 (red room)
3) Episode 15 (who killed LP)
4) Finale (Sycamore Trees)

All directed by Lynch.


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