This image shows “Shipwreck Cove”, which is (essentially) an island comprised entirely of broken shipwrecks.

BELOW is the Hai Peng, the ship belonging to pirate lord Sao Feng (Chow Yun Fat’s character). Sao Feng is the keeper of a map that will help the gallant Sparrow rescuers find the Farthest Gate (thus Jack). They steal his ship.

I'm told that we’ll encounter Keith Richards’ character here...Captain Teague. He’s apparently the Keeper of the Pirate Code (which must be interpreted to resolve some sort of dispute). Unless I miss my guess, that's Teague sitting third from the left.
I like this image; looks like something we'd see at Disneyland.

And...when the title says "At World's End"...I guess it literally means where the world stops. Here's the edge of the world..."

Damn it, I need Horrorthon to be a "safe" website to go to! This MUST STOP!! I really did not want to see those pictures and get a glimpse of all that plot description!
oops, sorry, I promise to add a "spoiler" warning. In fact, I'll add one now for the other lazy people still asleep in the West. I didn't think you had any interest in these movies.
I expected the boat shots to be digital, but that dinner pic looks like a painting (or digital painting) as well. My clue was that Keira Knightly has a huge rack.
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