Friday, September 11, 2009

Barry Manilow Songs: The 'Love Actually'-Style Movie

From iwatchstuff, Haven't you always wanted a movie to take place at the Copacabana, with a woman named Mandy? No, of course not. No one has besides Barry Manilow. And also Michael Stipe et al:

Single Cell partners Sandy Stern and Michael Stipe and Playtone partners Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman have joined forces to develop a romantic comedy that will exploit the song catalogue of iconic singer/songwriter Barry Manilow.
The project was hatched by Stern, who hooked Manilow with the idea making a character-driven romantic comedy with intersecting storylines involving Manilow fans who are all arriving in Las Vegas on a weekend where Manilow will headline Mandalay Bay, the largest venue on the Strip. His music will be heard through the movie. Manilow will also perform a song or two in the film.

Telling a romantic tale amidst Manilow's songs sounds easy; what I'd rather see is the tale of why someone would willing convert their head into a more-plastic Rod Stewart. Can we get Mickey Rourke on that?


Octopunk said...

I've been looking at that freaky picture of him since yesterday and I still can't pin down precisely what's weird about it. He looks like Phyllis Diller? Naw, that's not it.

One thing about Manilow is that he got famous before music videos, when not-so-great-looking people could do that. Looks like he's gotten some work done to fight aging a la Mr. Burns.

JPX said...

It's that he's old but he's still attempting to look like he did in the late 1970s. He's a bit "pulled back". He should play himself in this film and it should be a horror movie.

Catfreeek said...

He looks kinda like Martin Short or one of the characters that Martin Short did. Very disturbing.

Catfreeek said...

Also a cross between Dustin Hoffman in Mr. Majorium's Wonder Emporium and Frank Morgan's wizard in The Wizard of Oz


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...