JPX and I get off on observing the last dying breaths of old sitcoms. It amuses and comforts us to witness a desperate struggle to remain relevant after it’s clear that their time has passed.
We all know about Fonzie’s infamous “shark jump” which came to define the precise moment when Happy Days ran out of ideas and officially became lazy and stupid.

But did you know that Laverne and Shirley went on for a season after Shirley left the cast? I sure didn’t. It’s the kind of thing they don’t teach you in school. You just have to learn it on your own.

So today’s poetry competition is in honor of washed up celebrities/shark jumping.
Did you know that The Monkees limped on without Mike and Peter for one positively dreadful album called “Changes”?

Do you remember when Van Halen thought they could make lightning strike thrice by replacing Sammy Hagar with Gary “I’m a big pussy and my band’s only hit is a power ballad” Cherone?

Do you recall how Steven Seagal went from being the baddest motherfucker on the planet into a big fat bead wearing Buddhist?

Remember this asshole?

I sure do.
Urban Dictionary defines “washed up” as something that has once had it's peak of greatness far too long ago, and is now still being over used, over played, and is still spoon fed. Let us poetically celebrate the fall from grace, be it actor, TV show, musical group or politician. Mark. Set. GO!
Where is everyone?
Haiku Hump Day jumped the shark
I miss the old days
Andre kept going
Sad winter of The Giant
Prob'ly ate the shark
Halcyon days past
Many Hump Day posters, then...
Scared off Jesus freaks
Cousin Oliver
Joined when the kids got homely
We all hated him
Sam joined Different Strokes
When Arnold hit puberty
Didn't help matters
Bo replaced Vinnie
Mr. Kotter left the show
Horshack was a drunk
Seinfeld jumped the shark
During the last episode
Can't really complain
X-Files was starting to settle
But they had some more stories to peddle
They went for the hat trick
And got Robert Patrick
"He'll save it, he's liquid metal!"
Rudy's cuteness halts
Bring in a new little shit
You know how THEY breed
hate to disagree with octo
cuz he's the man and most always right
but i always thought
x-files did jts
just can't pinpoint quite when
would love to study the question in depth though
is there funding for a study?
similarly, i'd say
buffy the vampire slayer
but i can't say exactly when
great episodes every season
but major decrease in quality, vision, and consistency
has to count for something
Urkel was once a laugh riot
(Although I sure didn’t buy it)
The TV show ended
His career was suspended
And now he’s as esteemed as my shit
The thing AC isn't quite seeing
I disagree about us disagreeing
Main characters swapped?
That shark had been hopped
The fans (with good taste) all started fleeing
Let's remember on this day of hump
Spin-offs that were born in the dump:
AfterMASH, Joan and Chach
Or that other Baywatch
They don't even get sharks to jump
Dear Kirstie Alley
Cheers, Runaway, North and South
Always loved those eyes
Then she took to snacks
Jenny Craig fired her ass
For being too fat
The Karate Kid
Never found a sound defense
For career meltdown
Here's a show with much delayed closure:
The once-awesome Northern Exposure
Ditch the main guy?
What? Are you high?
Did Octo tune in to that? No sir.
bah hah octo! thanks for the hilarious and poetic correction.
all right, let me try contradicting another blog leader, and this time at least i have my facts straight:
jpx is wrong
hhd ain't jts
quality still high
Three's Company jumped the shark early
When it lost it's ditzy blonde girly
After that job disaster
She shilled for Thighmaster
Who missed her most? Mr. Furley
Jack and Janet did just fine
Without Chrissie's sweet behind
Teri may not have been first
But you can't top a bombshell nurse
what of snl?
has it jumped the shark again?
does anyone care?
Married with Children went amiss
when Seven joined their wedded bliss
Bud and Kelly were sent asunder
while the new kid stole their thunder
but the show did self destruct
because in fact that kid sure sucked
Scooby Doo sure blew it too
when Scrappy joined the mystery crew
that little pup annoying as fuck
should have been squished by a truck
pearl jam was once way better
rockers like jeremy and yellow ledbetter
then the 3rd album came
and their sound became lame
held back by "guitarist" ed vedder
though an amazing c-book it was based on
LXG was a film worth being crapped on
it was bad from the intro
and it just goes to show
some ideas are *born* in mid-air with skis on
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