From Geekologie: Well folks, don't bother marking your calendars, because February 10, 2012 is the date you can go stuff another $16 in George Lucas' moneygrubbing pocket to see Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 3-D. If you're lucky, maybe on the way to the local cineplex you'll have a flashback to 1999 when you were excitedly going to see the original without realizing GEORGE WAS ABOUAT TO DROP A GIANT STINKING TURD RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES. Aaaaand hopefully that'll prevent you from seeing it this time. If not, there's this picture of Darth Maul in 3-D glasses. It's the best part of the movie. Get it? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T F***ING EXIST. Suck it, George. Gobble that Gungan wiener!
Call me when A New Hope is converted to 3D. What a jerk, releasing Menace in 3D, no one wants to see that ( except maybe the pod race).
Fuck the pod race! Fuck the stupid fucking pod race!
The notion of sitting in a theater to watch the cavalcade of terrible conversations leading up to the pod race makes me shiver with revulsion. We had zooming down the Death Star trench to save the galaxy and now we have a freaking lap race? Grrrrrr...
What do you think Jar Jar smells like? An unpleasant combination of feet and fish?
They should pass out scratch and sniff cards to go with the film.
bet he smells great, after he's been processed into fillets with some fries, or crisps on the side! perhaps a splash of malt vinegar?
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