From iwatchstuff, Of all the points of contention I could see coming up with Martin Campbell's Green Lantern, I never once thought the costume's toe definition could ever possibly be an issue. Yet here we are, with what I think is our first clear full-body shots of Ryan Reynolds' complete CGI costume, and how can you not just stare at these bizarre, semi-defined digits? Seriously, are they supposed to be like those terrible barefoot running shoes? Are they just a cover-up for using the gym shower? Can he fit, like, a finger between his toes, or is it more of a grossly ill-conceived foot mitten? Is that idea that we're so distracted by them that we never even work our way up to the hazy suggestion of a belt? The movie better answer at least a couple of these questions.
Yeah, that's weird. I would think that superheroics require steel-toed boots anyway, this flimsy body sock will not make OSHA happy.
What? I don't care if it can go into outer space! What good is that when you could crush your toe with a dropped anvil?
I hate those weird "barefoot" shoes. They are totally freaky.
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