Our current guess is that Zack had something viral in addition to the strep last week (which is bacterial) and he coughed it in our faces. We know the eye scourge is viral because Jules went to check yesterday after the antibiotics weren't really working. Since it's viral there's no treatment besides waiting it out. The big slam right now (besides to my vanity) is we don't want Zack to get it and have to stay home; neither Jules nor I have sick days right now so we lose income. HOPEfully this virus did come from him because that might mean he's already beaten it out of his system.
Suck suck suck!
Anyone see Sucker Punch yet?
Aaaaaaaaah Pink eye!
I'm sorry to hear about your ongoing health woes. I think you guys should consider wearing hazmat outfits when you take Zach to daycare.
Clearly you have the 28 Days Later virus. So you probably have about 24 more days to go.
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