From ew, The Man of Steel now has an enemy: Warner Bros. announced Sunday that they’ve locked in the Oscar-nominated Michael Shannon (Revolutionary Road) to play General Zod opposite Henry Cavill’s Superman in the reboot. Director Zack Snyder said in a release from the studio: “Zod is not only one of Superman’s most formidable enemies, but one of the most significant because he has insights into Superman others don’t. Michael is a powerful actor who can project both the intelligence and the malice of the character, making him perfect for the role.” Shannon joins an already Oscar-friendly cast that includes Diane Lane and Kevin Costner as Martha and Jonathan Kent, and Amy Adams as Lois Lane.
Fucking great man! Revolutionary Road was excellent, and he was excellent in it. This is going to be great! And it's not Watchmen so we don't have to worry if it's got any depth or not.
I loved Revolutionary Road.
He's still going to have a hard time besting the original Zod. Dude was bad-to-the-ass.
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