From worstpreviews, We've been hearing that despite using a large amount of special effects, Zack Snyder plans to keep the "Superman" reboot very realistic. And now, MovieNewz claims to know the general storyline and the villain.
Here is what the site says: "General Sam Lane, the father of Lois Lane, is a central figure in the film. When Superman arrives on the scene; people don't know what to think. He's an alien from another planet. What are his real intentions? He's not human and that scares a lot of people. Here's a guy who can fly, see through walls, is bullet proof and can lift a tank. The military views him as a potential threat to national security. They find kryptonite, pieces of his home planet, and discover its radioactive elements can be harnessed as a near unlimited source of power, both literally and figuratively. It's a brand new form of energy that is secretly developed by the government. The military, under the direction of General Sam Lane, uses kryptonite to power an experimental cyborg super solider named Metallo. He's ultimately exploited as a weapon against Superman."
The site continues by saying that the film will be an origin story and will focus on a Clark Kent in his twenties. He feels alienated by his powers and learns that having these super abilities means making very difficult decisions.
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