For now I'm just going to mention where the songs fell along the "love it" to "not so much" spectrum. I can share more specific thoughts if/as more postings arise (where is everyone?).
In the "love it already" category:
my two picks
i'mnotmarc's two picks
whirlygirl's two picks
jsp's zoom
jpx's targeted
landshark's better son or daughter
jordan's standing....
octo's scifi wasabi (like crack to husband, that song)
In the "learning to love it" category
jsp's got to let go
octo's mediational field
In the "like it very much" category:
landshark's holland 1945
adp's two picks
julie's two picks
jordan's life in a northern town
dcd's addicted
miko's he stopped loving her today- big surprise- i got a fucking tear in my eye on the T when i heard this for the first time! no lie. commence ridicule.
In the "have to admit it's good even though it's not my cup of tea" category
dcd's fairytale
jpx's reach the beach (too lugubrious 80s for me)
and finally, in the "can't listen anymore" category:
poor miko's sell a lot of beer
AC, no apology necessary...I wasn't sure I was going to put it in, I had already talked up the country, and wanted something fast after the George song.
No ridicule from me, I freakin' love that song!
BTW, I will post my last reviews tonite, but I find it interesting that the song that made me want to stop the car and beat the crap out of someone (311) came from the "Shrink"...I knew you people went into that field 'cause you were nuts...I like you even more now.
Wait... I can't tell if that's a negative or positive reaction. I mean, what if you like beating the crap out of people?
Great roundup AC, very diplomatic. I will be boosting your language for my "not my cup of tea" category. Can't say for sure when that'll be, yet -- I definitely have some impressions but I still want to do a closer listen.
That was a positive reaction, I loved 311, but indeed the "beat the crap out of somebody" reaction is similar to the effect Rage Against The Machine has on me. Positive but violent.
thanks for the feedback guys!
octo, you and julie have the only (cough) valid excuse for not posting today- take your time!
miko, i find 311 highly energizing too, but in a slightly less violent fashion... maybe it's a gender thing.
now i need reassurance though... jpx, did i go into the field because i'm nuts?
damn, the blog is making all of us insecure! :)
ac, that's why I went into the field! All of our classmates were nuts so it stands to reason...
Nicely balanced and kind categorizations AC. "Not my cup of tea" cracks me up!
thanks dcd.
jpx, it's good to know you have my back! :)
ac, always!
some time when the blog is slow, jpx, we can post vignettes illustrating the nuttiness of our classmates in grad school (many of whom are now shrinks). talk about the blind leading the blind! :)
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