Travel enough, and you come home eventually. This week, business brings Miko to RI/MA, and he can't wait for Angelo's veal and peppers, Dels lemonade, and perhaps even a little lobsta'. (Oh and he might visit his mother and aunt if he can fit them in between meals.)
Did you ever fall in love with Ricotti's in Bristol? I didn't really know about it until the fam moved there, and now I make sure I score an Italian grinder every trip I take.
Never been, but it doesn't take much to get me to try new food, so I will add it to the repertoire.
The Ricotti's in Barrington is just as good. Actually, back when Big Russ was running it, I think it was even better than the Bristol one. Man could that dude make a sandwich.
It's amazing how tough it is to find certain things when you're not living on the east coast anymore--a good grinder is near the top of that list.
Have you tried Rod's Grill in Warren, miko? Best gaggers around.
I didn't realize there was a Ricotti's in Barrington! How did I not know that?
Welcome Home, btw!
Landshark, looks like I will be eating my way through the East Bay.
Gotta go up to Boston too, any suggestions for the Northern portion of my trip, AC?
Well, the Ricotti's was on Maple Ave, D, not a section of town we hung out in much. But I'm surprised you never went there with me--I lived there Soph-Sen years.
where exactly in boston will you be, miko? and what are you looking for (or craving) that they don't do well in PA or RI?
AC, not sure where I will be, and let's say I'm looking for lunch. Actually, we haven't found any good Thai food here in PA.
yum, thai! my favorite is brown sugar cafe. there's one near bu, one near the fenway, and a new location in east cambridge.
here's their website:
"And Leon's getting larger..."
Thanks AC.
welcome, miko.
Wow! I never met people so in love with Ricotti's. I'm always surprised when I still see them. I always think they went out of business like ten years ago, but surprisingly some locations have hung on. Seriously, when do you ever here someone saying, "I'm going to get a sub at Ricotti's." That never happens anymore. when I was younger I had a friend that worked at Ricotti's and everyday we joked about whether she would still have a job because Ricotti's were yesterday's news. It finally did close and she had to move on to working in a deli. I'll never complain about the many free Ricotti's subs I received.
Miko, If you ever go to Fall river, MA, although, I don't know anyone who goes to Fall River, but if you do Marzilli's has awesome sandwiches. I particularly like the meatball sub. The woman who owns the place gets up early and makes everythinfg fresh, including baking the bread, or at least she used to, she could be dead by now for all I know.
Whirly, if she's dead, would you still recommend the meatball sub? Not that zombies can't make good baked goods, you just rarely see it...
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