I'm going to have to break this up into more than one post. I just haven't been able to give each song the listen it deserves. But, I have listened to some of the choices enough to give reviews.
JSP - Zoom grew on me. A little psychadelic for my taste, I have never been too into that sound. It goes on kind of long for me in the end. However, multiple listens proved that I didn't hate it! SFA are probably not something I would explore too much more, but this is definitely a good tune to add to a mix.
I liked Got to Let Go much more than Zoom. I dug the beats and the horns. I would like to explore them some more and can feel what you mean about putting you in the right state of mind.
Miko - Here is my internal thought process while listening to He Stopped Loving Her... for the first time:
"Okay, this is nice. Kind of sad, but it is country. Aw, he's dressed up, see, he met someone else." (Listens to the line about carrying him away) Says out loud to no one, "Jesus, he DIED?!?!" What the hell else I was expecting I do not know - it was a sad country song after all. But it's pretty too, George Jones certainly has a powerful voice.
Sell A Lot of Beer appealed to my "Beltin' It Out" sensibilities. It's down-home to be sure, but I thought it was fun. I'm not sure I'd actually want anyone to hear me belting it out, 'cause, you know, I'm too hip for country! (HA!) So I guess it would make my guilty pleasure song list!
Landshark - LOVED Better Son... I can absolutely see what you mean about the march/anthem drive. And I agree w/Miko about the Irish pub scene, although not sure if the old Irish would like all the "Fucking's." I will definitely check out Jenny Lewis' solo album as you seem to be recommending that over more of the band itself. This was one of my favorites out of this whole experiment.
Holland, 1945 - not so much. I'd say I like about the first third of the song. But I cannot deal with the dolphin-esque back-up vocals that ramp up towards the end.
Octo - Throughout my life there is probably no one who has influenced my musical exposure more than Octo. Clearly, left to my own devices I lean towards - well, you all had a listen! I have heard Cibo Matto before, but actually cannot remember this specific song. I'd say I'm luke-warm on it. It's fun and kicky, but I don't know if I could listen to a whole album. But then again, I never have listened to an entire album of theirs, and I tend to give Octo's picks more time to grow on me.
I liked Meditational Field. I can't really explain why, other than to echo JSP's comment about putting me in a state of mind I like to be in. I can completely see both this song and Cibo Matto playing in the background at a party going on at Octo and Julie's house where there are lots of hip, cool people having intelligent conversation. Present company included, of course!
That's all I've got for now kids. I am driving up to Boston later today, (with no children - Yee Ha!) (Not that I don't love my kids you understand, just nice to be without every once in awhile) ANYWAY, point is I will be able to listen to everything else more thoroughly. This has been so fun and I look forward to hearing from everyone else and finishing my own reviews!
good to have you weighing in dcd!
enjoy your carefree boston jaunt today.
DCD, I love that you had that reaction to George. I put up two country songs, but really listen to mostly the old classics like him. Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, I dig the old stuff and like sharing it.
I sometimes complain to my wife about the hotel stays. It turns out complaining to a mom with two kids about staying in a room alone after having room service is a mistake. She gives me that look that makes me wonder if she is calculating how many garbage bags my dismembered body would fit in. So I understand your joy at the solo drive...enjoy!
i suspect i might like johnny cash. will give him a chance at some point.
this looks like the fun part --- pants, when am i going to get my copy of the thon playlist? and are you coming out to play rock band with us on tuesday?
How many nights a week do you travel miko? We just came through a seven month period of my husband being back in the restaurant world, which means I was a single Mom five nights a week. Suuuuucccckkkked! He's been back and forth between catering and restaurants, but we had not done nights w/the two kids before. It is tough.
Luckily he is back in catering now so things are much better scheduling wise.
DCD, depends on the week. Some weeks I am gone 3-4 nights, and some weeks I work from the home office the whole week. The weeks I am home are always the time Katie suggests perhaps I should be on the road more...hmm.
The best part of all the travel (besides company car and company paid gas card) is that I will never have to pay for a hotel room in my life. Hilton Honors points are my friends.
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