Monday, June 02, 2008

Sex sells

By Scott Bowles, USA TODAY

Sporting Manolo Blahnik heels and designer handbags, women powered Sex and the City this weekend to the biggest debut on record for a romantic comedy.
The movie's estimated $55.7 million take, the fifth-highest debut for an R-rated film, sent producers and Warner Bros. executives huddling to think up a sequel.

"We're definitely open to another movie," says Darren Star, creator of the series and producer of the film. "You always want your movie to connect, but no one could calculate how deeply people felt about this."

Except, perhaps, the show's rabid fans. Women, who made up 85% of the audience, flocked to theaters dressed as their favorite characters and turned the film into a nationwide ladies' night out.

"We've been waiting years for this," says Patricia Ackerman, 42, who went with four girlfriends dressed more like they were headed to a premiere than a Saturday matinee. "This is our Indiana Jones."

The movie nearly doubled its projections. Most analysts figured its R rating would hold the opening to about $30 million.

But most box office analysts are men.

"I don't think most guys get it," says Vonnessa Martin, 39, who caught the Saturday evening show with her best friend in Santa Monica. "This isn't a movie that I really wanted my husband at. You want to see it with friends who know the characters and feel connected. We treated it like a formal dinner party."

Not that men didn't show.

"Our agreement was she see Iron Man and I'd see Sex and the City," says Bill Coventry, 33, of Malibu. "I'd never seen the show, but it was all right. But I feel like I need a beer with the guys to get my man card back."

After the success of 2006's The Devil Wears Prada, "the notion of women — and older women at that — not being viable hitmakers in summer is out the window," says Paul Dergarabedian of industry tracking firm Media By Numbers. "They've rallied around this film in a way I've never seen before."

But he's leery of Hollywood rushing to crank out quick chick flicks.

"Studios have tried to emulate the success of Passion of the Christ and that didn't work," he says. "Neither did copycats of The Blair Witch Project. Getting that lightning in a bottle again isn't easy."

The film played to sold-out theaters in New York and Los Angeles, and Warner Bros. says the movie's healthy $16,000-per-screen average held up in most major cities, including Cleveland, Dallas and Kansas City.

"Bring on the sequel, girls," says Warner Bros. distribution chief Dan Fellman.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was second with $46 million. The Liv Tyler horror film The Strangers had a strong debut, taking third place with $20.7 million, more than twice its expected haul.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

Bill Coventry of Malibu. Pfft. What a wuss...

When my mom called me to tell me how much she loved the Sex in the City movie I just knew that Indy was gonna get toppled.

JPX said...

I know, she called me and told me the same thing. I think this is the first time in our lives that our mother went to a movie by herself because she wanted to see it so badly. I don't believe that the film has legs though. I'm guessing a steep drop off next weekend - 60%+?

DKC said...

Confession time. I saw SATC last night. REASON being that it was either that or miss the girl's night out with family and friends. And since it was my 12 year anniversary last night and my husband had to work...I wasn't going to sit at home by myself just because of the movie choice.

Major confession time. I liked it. Sorry, but true. I did watch the show for awhile, but fell off in the last couple of seasons. But it was frothy and silly and fun and will definitely go on the list of guilty pleasures.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

No need to apologize DCD. As long as you don't have a penis, feel free to enjoy the movie and buy the soundtrack.

JPX said...

I agree, if you don't have a penis you don't need to apologize. There is no shame in you admitting that you like this film! Our mom liked it alot.

Julie said...

Maybe I should have seen it. I bowed out of a UCLA invite. Usually I'll go to anything just to be social, but I was never ever a fan of that show! I didn't get it.

miko564 said...

See now this is tough for me, I want to make fun of men for watching this, but I am oft offended by those stupid "Milwaukee's Best" beer ads. You know the ones, the guy pets the little dog, or tells his wife he loves her on the phone, and the beer can falls on him, because he wasn't being a "real" man. Fuck that, if you are a real man you do whatever the fuck you want, and let somebody have the balls to call you a puss to your face. I know JPX and JSP were kidding, but this whole deal about what "real" men are supposed to like or not pisses me off.
Quick story, I was in a Irish bar with friends a few years ago, next to a table of Frat boys and their drunk girlfriends one night. As more of my friends (mostly military guys) came in, we stood up and hugged one another. One of the drunk chicks said, very loudly, "I though real men didn't hug", to which her male companions laughed and high-fived. I stood up, sat next to her at her table, and said "Real men do whatever the fuck they want, but none of you girls would know that", then I just sat there. Now I was with a bunch of military types, and drunk frat boys are like all loudmouth bullies, they only like to fight when they are sure they can win, but nobody said a word, the drunk chick apologized, and 3 minutes later we had a big empty table next to us to expand to.

I hate being told what men are supposed to do....diatribe over.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Speaking as a "real man", what I would have done in that situation is beat the piss out of the frat boys before having (consensual) sex with the drunk chicks on the pool table in front of the whole bar. After that I would crank Motley Crue, rip bong hits and blow funnels until I threw up and then spent the night in a dumpster.

Anyway, JPX and I are not ones to pass the manhood judgment on anyone. We have, after all, been known to get into passionate discussions about the Golden Girls.

miko564 said...

Pleeeeease. Real men don't sleep in dumpsters...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Meanwhile my wife just had her "girl's weekend" of wine tasting, hiking and partying while I stayed home buying groceries and doing the laundry...

Speaking of chicks, anyone care to speculate as to what will happen first - Julie drops the baby or Hillary drops out of the race? I'm going with Hillary.

Julie said...

JSP, you just really made me laugh. And it's a good thing, because I have been trying to frickin' print wirelessly for four and a half hours, and I'm now waiting to be transferred to an Apple specialist. Do NOT upgrade to Leopard or buy a Time Capsule! Endless frustration.

DKC said...

Thanks all, I won't feel guilty about it anymore!

Miko, that story is hilarious. I love it when frat guys get their comeuppance. I also just realized I love the word "comeuppance."

JSP - I vote with you(heh)Hil before Z.

Octopunk said...

Sorry I missed this chatter.

DCD: That's okay, I'm glad you had fun. You can still be my sister.

Miko: Love that story, and I agree that being a man isn't what most fools think it is.

JSP: Considering how it seems Little Z likes to sleep late like his daddy, I certainly hope Hillary doesn't cling longer. But it's a tough call, because my lady is pretty uncomfortable these days.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...