This has been a lot of fun. There’s a lot of diversity in our song choice, which has made it all the more enjoyable. Everyone’s songs got at least 15 listens each from me, if not more, and so on some level each has grown on me a bit. They may not have made my playlist, but they’ve left an impression. I’ll begin with my favorite of all the songs, which is Young and Foolish.
Marc’s picks
I thought Young and Foolish was amazing from the moment I first heard it, and I immediately downloaded some of Mehldau’s other songs, which I’ve listened to quite a bit recently. The second time I listened to it I appreciated it more. I was walking home from the gym and my leg was in excruciating pain because I stupidly ran on an injury. My mood and the physical pain I was experiencing opened me up to a different interpretation and deeper connection with the song.
I’ll set the mood, or as JPX would say, “Picture it.” It was a lovely night, the moon was shining, and there was not a soul on the street except for the man and woman walking a distance in front of me who were poking each other with their fingers and giggling. Oddly, like me, the man was dragging his leg slightly behind him; although, I got the impression that his limp was permanent. It wasn’t long before the gimp and his woman vanished from my view and I was left alone with the moon, Young and Foolish, and my pain. I’m not sure if it was the solitude, my aching limb, or a combination, but I felt, as you had mentioned in your post Marc that this was the saddest song I had ever heard. The music coincided perfectly with my pain. At each laborious step my attention grasped to the music that like my walk home felt like it could never end. I found myself alternating between being both in and outside myself, feeling at times that the music was mimicking my pain and then at other moments like my pain was the imitator. When I reached the daunting three flights of stairs at my apartment the tempo of the music increased in intensity, and then decreased as I finally reached the top. It’s funny how music can sometimes seem to flawlessly narrate an experience.
Seriously, I really took to the song that night. Sometimes you feel so in tune with something. In my distress I grasped onto the music, tying to find a way outside myself but only to be drawn further within to experience a multitude of emotions. I’ve listened to this song at least 20 times by now, and I feel a little different about it each time I listen. Sometimes it makes feel a bit melancholy, other times I feel myself drifting into memories, both good and bad, and at other moments I feel inspired, but each time I like it more. It’s a great song, and I’m enjoying the other Mehldau songs I’ve heard as well. This song definitely makes my playlist.
I’ll keep this one short. Think of Me as a Place for awhile was overshadowed by Young and Foolish. It’s only in the past couple of days that I have been giving it more attention. I really enjoy the lyrics and vocals. The lyrics Marc mentions in his post: “Think of me as a place, like a warm embrace you can run into; Not like someone you know, but somewhere you go when you get cold." God, it’s perfect! It’s a beautiful song.
I had intended to write a few more reviews , but in the midst of writing this I got sidetracked with emails from classmates, so I’ll continue at a later time. At least I got one up and I’ll keep the rest brief.
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Monday, June 16, 2008
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Whirly, just want you to know I read the post, but after Marc's description of the song and your description of the experience, I'm not brave enough to try to describe my feelings. Well done!
Wonderful post Whirlygirl.
Also I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not going to post my responses for personal reasons.
What?! Whatchoo talking about?
Whirlygirl, I hope you realize that, in fairness, you need to listen to all of the other selections while undergoing epiphany-level physical pain.
What personal reasons?
Octo, I think I can handle that. My leg is starting to feel better so it's about time for me to mess up it again.
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