Thursday, February 05, 2009

Diary of the Dead

I don't really have the goods for the whole Horrorthon routine on this one. In fact, everything about this post is completely half-assed: I haven't really seen the movie in question; I haven't read to see if anyone else here reviewed it; I'm not planning on saying very much anyway; It's not quite worth uploading a picture.

But I just had to mention that I watched the first half of Romero's Diary of the Dead last night on my friend Vinny's enormous flatscreen. (We had just watched Lost, which was beyond awesome, and we were sitting around wondering what else was on his TiVo.)

I thought it was great! I keep giving Romero a hard time because I keep thinking that his whole personal zombie schtick is like a law of diminishing returns; they get worse and worse. His obvious belief that he's got the universal metaphor and he's going to keep applying it to each decade can get tiresome. And this new version seemed especially guilty of this; it's blatantly post-Blair Witch, post-Cloverfield in a very overt way. It's filled with the same "I can't believe you're videotaping this, you insensitive lout"/"Don't you understand that I have to; the camera's all I've got at this point" schtick that those other movies use as well (but, to be fair, there's really no way around that if you're going to make your movie entirely from "found" footage).

But anyway, my complaints melted away almost immediately after the movie began. Romero finds the groove immediately and never loses it, and you suddenly realize, as you're watching, that there's just Romero and everyone else (including, I am forced to admit, Zack Snyder, despite his obvious insane talent) is just faking it. Diary of the Dead isn't necessarily better than Snyder's excellent Dawn of the Dead, but it's realer, somehow; more intense, more genuine, more immediate.

I'll write a real review later, once I've seen the rest of the movie. If the second half is anywhere near as good as the first, I'll be giving it lots of stars.


JPX said...

“We had just watched Lost, which was beyond awesome” Damnit, I haven’t watched this week’s episode yet but I plan on seeing it tonight with Whirlygirl.

Wow, I think this is our first half-review ever on Horrorthon! I watched Diary of the Dead with Octo, JSP, and 50Page during my west coast visit last year. At that time Diary was in limited release (actually I’m not sure if it ever received a wider release) and we were psyched to be part of a small group of people able to catch it on the big screen. Then something strange happened; I watched the film and I honestly have no recollection of anything about it. I remember discussing this with JSP later on and he too made the same observation. It’s almost as if we had been drinking while watching it (we had not). I’m not clear on why I have no memory of this film. It had been a long day and it’s possible that I was extremely tired (still you think I’d recall something about it). Aside from a few flashes in my mind (e.g., zombie getting impaled by an umbrella), I don’t remember anything except that I think I was disappointed in the ending. I intended to watch it for Horrorthon (I even copied it) but I still haven’t watched it again. I know I’m in the minority but I was really disappointed in Land of the Dead and I too have held the opinion that Romero’s zombie films suffer from the “law of diminishing returns”. Romero is working on a new film tentatively entitled Island of the Dead stay tuned. I look forward to your full review, Jordan.

Damn, now I really want to see LOST.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Speak for yourself JPX, I was drunk off my ass.

I stand by my Diary review from October. I enjoyed it but Debbie Downer ruined it for me and I don't think I need to see it a 3rd time...

Catfreeek said...

I liked it too and I can't wait to read your full review Jordan.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...