Friday, September 04, 2009

A Brutal Reminder Life Isn't Fair

From toplessrobot, This guy got to take a picture in a crowd of hot Slave Leias, and you didn't. He's a little husky and I'm exceedingly bitter, so I was going to make a joke about him being Jabba the Hutt, and then I realized -- the man hung out with more than two dozen Slave Leia. Ain't nothing I can say that's going to take that away. Which means he wins. Dammit.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

The tragedy of Return of the Jedi is the fact that Han never got to see Leia in the slave outfit.

Octopunk said...

He didn't? What about after the whole Jabba rescue? They'd be heading out to the Falcon in that skiff, his eyesight was coming back...

When the special editions came out in '97, my friends and I were trying to figure out when Han and Leia actually did the nasty. Our conclusion was Cloud City was the first time, because Leia probably couldn't get in the mood while in the Falcon, at least not then.

We further reasoned that they definitely did it in the Falcon after the Tatooine rescue. And I like to think she kept the outfit for special occasions.

HandsomeStan said...

Upon closer examination of the photo, 2 things struck me:

1) The guy's T-shirt (The Man - up arrow, The Legend, down arrow)

2) Take a GOOD look at all those Leias. There ain't one babe in the bunch.

Best Gold Bikini Leia Ever: Olivia Munn, from G4's Attack of the Show. Blows Carrie Fisher right off the sail barge.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Octo, I suppose I'll have to watch Jedi for the 209th time to put the issue to rest...


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...