Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Daily Spider-Man - Today's Edition: Even Logan can't swallow the strip's most ridiculous plot contrivance ever


Jordan said...

Man, it must suck to be a Marvel villian. You're constantly getting beaten up and handed over to the cops by these obnoxious weirdos who think they're funny.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I like the squiggle lines emanating from Spidey's head that convey the sense that he's wigging out big time.

Octopunk said...

Spider sense! Spiders can tell when hairy mutants are about to figure out their secret identities.

JPX said...

Would Doc Ock be able to fit in the backseat of the car? Also, why is it that he was out of jail in the first place? Hasn't he been arrested like a zillion times? At some point Spider-Man should make a public statement and say something like, "You know, if I'm risking my life to capture bad guys, FOR FREE, the least you can do is keep an eye on them. After today if any more escape, it's your problem. Oh yeah, and shame on you!"

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Tomorrow HAS to be the end, right? I mean it has to be. Right?

Jordan said...

The whole "load them into the back of a police car, grimacing" schtick is so hopelessly old-school...it makes me feel like a pre-teen kid reading a comic book, who is barely cognizant of what the "police" do anyway.

(Hey, JPX, did you read my "Avatar" post? You're a real shrink; I've got to get your verdict.)

Jordan said...

I mean, wouldn't the fucking Army come get Doctor Octopus? Not a couple of flatfoots in a black-and-white?

Jordan said...

Or at least a big taskforce with helicopters, dozens of detectives and SWAT guys in 'tac shields, having cordoned off the area and brought a big, specialized NYPD "Homeland Security" armored truck to take him away in!

But it's old-school comics. Superman, warrior from another planet, who can fly and fire lasers from his eyes, successfully foils... a one-man jewelry store smash-and-grab. "He's all yours, officer Mooney! Take him away!" "Thanks, Superman!"


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...