It's time I explained myself, for some reason I have been procrastinating this update on the indie film I'm doing effects for. The film still has only a working title of “One Small Favor” but we're open for suggestions. It's slow going since no one is getting paid, therefore we are at the mercy of everyone's real work schedules. At this stage of the game we are about 50% done with filming. What this means for me is that most of the dialog scenes have been shot and the real bloody stuff is on the horizon. I can't wait! When I first started on this project the tasks put before me were so simplistic and the days so long I was beginning to wonder what I had gotten myself into.
Since then the work has began to build and I have been able to put my abilities to good use. I'm thrilled with the challenges put before me, things like continuity and progressive bruising that I never had to contend with doing haunted house make up. I find myself experimenting at home often. I think I scared our neighbor by chopping off fingers on the picnic table in the yard. I didn't want to mess up the kitchen. He disappeared into his house when I started cheering that I had gotten the blood to splurt the right way and held up a severed finger while doing a victory dance.
One of my experiments
Being a no budget film, my title of special effects person has since morphed into FX/Make-up/Costume person. I even had to monitor the camera once while the director dove into his one cameo scene.
This has been a great experience so far and I'm going to be incredibly sad when it's over. Still, I can't wait to see the end result of our efforts. I couldn't ask for a better bunch of people to be working with, so much fun and truly nice people.
Awesome Catfreeek! The severed finger made me queasy as I sipped my morning coffee. I guess that means you're doing a kickass job!
I'm having a blast! If I can turn a few stomachs in the process then my work is a success.
Yuck! In a good way, obviously. So very cool - can't wait to see all the finished blood and bruising!
sweet --- are you going to review your own movie, like Stan?
Maybe but I'm sure it will be with much less finesse.
wow, catfreeek, looks amazing! can't wait to see the final product.
Thanks Everyone:)
This is all great! Can't wait to see it.
Cool stuff! I agree, you make quite a creepy finger.
Wow, nice work! Who knew that when I was working with you at Showcase that someday you'd be making gross things. Actually, I kind of knew.
Gee JPX I don't know whether I should say thanks or be insulted ;)
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