Burk said that he will be an executive producer of Trek XI. "We're all very excited," Burk said in an interview at "Destination: L.A. 2," a fan charity event in Glendale, Calif., over the weekend. But Burk declined to discuss details of the movie: "We actually have this thing where we're just not talking about it outside of ... us right now. And to say I'm excited is the understatement of the [year]. ... It's going to be pretty great."
Burk also dismissed earlier rumors that the movie would center on Spock and Kirk's first meeting at Starfleet Academy and their subsequent early adventures. "I can tell you that that article leaked out prematurely, so there's no formal statement made from any of us, other than we all couldn't be more excited about it," he said.
Burk also smiled when asked if Abrams' longtime friend and frequent star Greg Grunberg would appear in the Trek movie, as either a Klingon or a member of the Federation. "First of all, there's no way Greg Grunberg knows what the Federation is," Burk said with a laugh. But, he added: "When is Greg Grunberg not in a project that we [do]?"
Burk, Kurtzman and Orci have worked alongside Abrams on many of his projects, including TV's Alias. Burk is also an executive producer on Abrams' ABC shows What About Brian and the upcoming Six Degrees."
"I can tell you that that article leaked out prematurely, so there's no formal statement made from any of us, other than we all couldn't be more excited about it," sounds a lot like it's true to me.
I saw the same approach last weekend from the model shop boss at Legoland. There's rumors, apparently, that the new park will be in Kansas City (bleah), but all he would say was "that's what leaked out, but I can't say anything."
If the leaked info is false, can you deny it? If you can, and they didn't, looks like it's Trek Babies after all.
"The only press statement is that we couldn't be more excited about it." Jeez, I'm glad I drove over here for that.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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