From Darkhorizons, "The Weinstein Co is set to give Glen A. Larson's hit early-mid 1980's TV series "Knight Rider" a big screen contemporary update. The studio has acquired the rights to the series, and Larson will write and exec produce the feature which aims to begin production next year reports Reuters.
"Knight" follows a cop who's been left to die and is nursed back to health by a mysterious millionaire. The moneyman also gives the cop a new face; a new name, Michael Knight; and crime-fighting gadgetry, including KITT, the car with artificial intelligence.
Larson has bandied about the project for years, previously developing it at Revolution Studios. One of the reasons for the long delay is Larson's determination to do a serious adaptation rather than a comedic send-up which people have been pressuring him to do."
The torture's already beginning; I've got the theme stuck in my head.
Doot doodle DOO, Doot doodle doooo, doot doodle doo dee dooooo.
Also, who's been pressuring Larson to make any kind of Knight Rider movie? They have to stop that immediately.
Is there still really an audiance for a man and his outdated gay car?
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