Boy if this doesn't highlight the difference between Asian and American cinema...
From bloodydisgusting, "...the reason why WeinsteinCo. is changing their ending to the Pulse remake, scheduled to hit theaters July 14th, really does get under my skin. The Horror Channel reports that the film is going under a few reshoot right now in sunny California and that they were informed that they are changing the ending to become more "audience friendly." If anyone has seen the original, THC sums it up quite nice... it's "uber-bleak". I had high hopes that the Weinstein's wouldn’t fall into this Hollywood hoopla, but at the end of the day everything comes down to money... doesn't it?"
Oh, maaaaaaaaaaan.
Maybe it will end with everyone on the Love Boat.
I'm so totally lamed out by this. Clearly they just took the original idea and then stuck a "we've got to stop it!" notion to it. In the original it soon becomes clear that the phenomenon is pandemic, there's no stopping it and there never was any hope of stopping it. It's the real application of "when there's no more room in Hell."
But who's the pretty girl? Wow.
Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars fame. I concur on your wow.
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