From Darkhorizons, "With "X-Men: The Last Stand" opening big at the box-office, speculation quickly arose that a fourth "X-Men" film may be rushed into development. The talk came despite the studios insistence that 'The Last Stand' would be the final film in the trilogy.
Well Fox are sticking to their guns, but Marvel head Avi Arad confirmed that there are no plans for an "X-Men 4" in the works, but their two proposed spin-off films are still very much on the cards.
Arad told the trades that "The first reaction, which we should discard, is here comes 'X-Men 4'. We're working on 'Wolverine,' which is definitely a continuation, and we have a very interesting script about a young Magneto".
Will Fox change their tune and pressure him for a fourth? Seems unlikely due to the expense involved. In many ways it now seems that "Wolverine" will serve as the unofficial fourth film sometime either in 2008 or 2009."
Hmm. As cool as Wolverine is, I don't know if he could hold up a whole movie and hit the vibe the same way the X-flicks do. What's cool about them is that they never lose sight of the school setting, with kids running around in the background.
The sense of team/family is important, I don't know if a solo Wolverine can get there. On the other hand, he's cooooooolll.
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