From Iwatchstuff, Did you ever have a band you really liked that quickly declined into making really shitty music for many years, and you sort of forget about them being a current band until, one day, on the radio, you hear something vaguely familiar and not that terrible anymore--it's that old band you liked! And you're like, "While this is clearly well below the standards of their hey-day, it seems all right. I mean, I'd never, ever buy the album--they've clearly lost most of their early talent and the rest of the tracks are probably rubbish--but it's at least nice to know they're trying again."
That's basically how I felt with this new Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
If you haven't already, check it out here, it's worth it!
1 comment:
I'm thinking this will sneak in under the radar and be completely awesome.
This is less controversial than it sounds, and I know that for many this will never be true, but the first batch of Clone Wars cartoons were truer to the Star Wars vibe than any of the prequels. So this could be good.
And toys! Toys toys toys!
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