When we think of towns with notoriously dirty politics, we think of Chicago and its all-powerful machine. Or New York, back in the day, when Tammany Hall ran everything. Usually Providence, Rhode Island—capital of the country’s smallest state!—doesn’t figure into the mix, but Robin Williams and some buddies are out to change that.
Williams is in the process of signing on for a role in The Prince of Providence, which The Hollywood Reporter says will be a biopic of the city’s long-term mayor Vincent “Buddy” Cianci. Oliver Platt will play the main character, who apparently experienced “a roller-coaster series of ups and downs” during his 21 years in office. Dermot Mulroney, Adam Goldberg, Bradley Cooper and Ed Burns are all on board as well, with Michael Corrente (Brooklyn Rules) directing David Mamet’s script.
A political drama written by David Mamet? What’s not to like! Especially with a cast this good, The Prince of Providence will likely be well worth a look. Oliver Platt is a quality actor who hasn’t had a big, showy lead role like this in a long time. And Robin Williams… well, he’s let us down in the past, but we all know he’s good for plenty when he puts his mind to it. The movie has everything it needs at the moment to put Providence’s name up there with the big boys in terms of political corruption—and the great stories that come along with it.
That is all kinds of awesome. They finally get around to a corruption pic about Providence and it's written by David Mamet? That's some freakin' respect!
I love telling the Buddy Cianci story. Forced to step down from his mayorship because he was convicted of assault, and then later re-elected. People always just say "they love that guy in Rhode Island," and despite the fact that it's probably wrong, I can't help but like him too.
As long as Mamet doesn't cast his girlfriend in a lead role again.
The first cell phone call I ever made (at least I think it was a cell phone) was from inside Buddy's limo to my mom when I was like 8/9 while he talked business with my old man.
Really, miko? I never knew that.
My best memory of Buddy was seeing him walk in the 4th of July parade in Bristol. (this was when he was still in office, probably late 90's.) As he's walking down the street waving at everyone a group of guys jump down in front of him and do the "We're not worthy" bow. It was excellent.
i always heard buddy stories growing up, so i am actually looking forward to this one. even as a kid i knew the mayor was (allegedly) corrupt.
When Buddy found out his wife was sheating on him he beat the shit out of the guy and pissed on him. Buddy's a weird character, he's a TOTAL Tony Soprano but he's charming as hell (like a true sociopath). Even my mother chatted with him once. I think I'm the only one who hasn't had a Buddy encounter. I can't get used to his new bald look though.
JPX, he didn't just find out his wife was cheating, with a friend of his no less, but he found pictures; to include a picture of his wife, friend and KID at DisneyWorld. Now I might let the wife thing slide, but if you involved my kids too? I understand the reaction, not legal, but understandable.
Whoa, I didn't know about the kid thing. That is bad.
I also seem to remember something about Buddy burning the guy with a cigarette on his forehead.
that is so tony soprano! tony might have been smarter about it (have somone else beat up the guy, burn him with a cigarette, and piss on him). then again he might not.
dcd, aren't you in boston?
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