Thursday, December 18, 2008

TR2N ...All 3-D!!

From aicn, I think the masses would love this tidbit of info. Tron 2.0 is going to be shot ENTIRELY in 3-D. They are really excited about what they are going to be doing with the Tron world in 3-D.

With new technology, they can actually wear the glasses at the monitors as they shoot & it will show them exactly how the 3-D will look so that they can get exactly what they are looking for.

If there has ever been a world that 3-D would totally embrace, I think it would be the world of Tron. Specifically, we are going to get a first person view from inside of a light cycle in the film. That should be a lot of fun.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

*wipes drool off face* I'm so there - hopefully at an IMAX.

HandsomeStan said...

I got so caught up in the Star Wars haikus that I missed registering how totally pumped I am for this shit.

The trailer gave my life new meaning.

And normally I'm really annoyed with the whole "use a number as a letter" bullshit, but here it's TOTALLY cool. It's almost like the original logo was designed for it...

I wish I still took drugs...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Now you can!

*guy pops out from nowhere and an infomercial begins


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...