Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Machete sounds awesome

From cinemablend, Grindhouse did not get the love that it deserved. What’s worse is that because it got left to die at the box office, it ended up getting a less than stellar treatment on DVD, with the infamous fake movie trailers being left off of the release. But with the internet age in full swing, it’s impossible to forget about those gems, and fans were elated when they found out that Robert Rodriguez was beginning work on a full version of Machete, to star Danny Trejo.

Now CC2K has an early review of the script and it seems as though Rodriguez will be delivering exactly what we all want: a 90-minute version of the trailer. According to reviewer Big Ross, “If you enjoyed Desperado and Once Upon a Time in Mexico, if you watch that trailer and think it looks like a helluva good time, you're going to like this movie.” Ross’s glowing review of the script also states, “Whenever RR gets around to filming Machete, it is sure to deliver violent, testosterone-basted action that appeals to any movie lover who finds action flicks of today coming up short.“

Ross also reveals some basic plot points of the movie, which has Machete taking on a corrupt Texas politician who “allies himself with an extreme Right-wing group of militia types who ascribe to the ‘shoot on sight’ school of thought when it comes to dealing with illegal immigrants.” Although topical, I have to assume that this will in no way be a political movie. Instead, it will likely be an over-the-top exploitation movie that tries to convey a message with stereotypical characters and lots of blood.

Robert Rodriguez tends to be very hit-or-miss (Sharkboy and Lavagirl anyone?), but when he’s on, man, he is on. And if he plans to bring the same fun to Machete that he brought to Planet Terror, I can’t wait to see the inevitable sequels. Machete in Space? I’m down.

1 comment:

Octopunk said...

WHAA? The fake movie trailers aren't on the Grindhouse dvds? Jeepers crow, that's terrible. Talk about missing the point.

I'm all over Machete. If they incorporate the scenes from the trailer, the rest of the scenes can be Danny Trejo at a flower show and I'll still see it.


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