Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shutter Island trailer


Octopunk said...

Creeeepy! I hope the investigation goes better than in The Wicker Man.

Jordan said...

It looks totally awesome, but, I find myself wondering, you know, "What's the gimmick?"

Because that's the whole ball game here, obviously. Most of the time "the gimmick" is just something really dumb or badly thought out, but something that enough people liked enough for the movie to get made.

Sometimes, the gimmick is so sublime (Angel Heart, The Sixth Sense, Planet of the Apes, Psycho, The Ring, Identity) that you remember it for years, and the entire movie is saturated with the excitement and suspense of that single sublime idea being pitched and hit into the stands.

In this case, it's Scorsese, so I don't know whether that means a really GOOD gimmick (since it would have to be, in order to snag a director that good) or a really BAD gimmick (since he's unfamiliar with the genre and doesn't know any better).

There's just nothing worse than a bad gimmick receiving a pretentious, arty treatment (like, say, Dead Again).

JPX said...

I read the book and it's a lot of fun, but you're right, Jordan, there's a gimmick that will piss everyone off.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...