First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Where the heck is Miko?
Once a heavy presence on Horrorthon he hasn't been heard from since proposing Finish it Monday a few months back. Miko, you are missed!
I phoned him a few weeks ago to ask him that very question, and he told me that despite the current economy his bizness has been keeping him very busy.
Miko! Come out and playay! Miiiikoooo! Come out and plaaaayyayy!!
yes, i miss our friend miko. no offense to the rest of us, but the blog just isn't the same without him. *pathetic sniff*
I phoned him a few weeks ago to ask him that very question, and he told me that despite the current economy his bizness has been keeping him very busy.
Still, that's no excuse.
Good riddance to bad rubbish, that's what I always say.
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