Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Ridley Scott Alien prequel has official title and first teaser posters?

From denofgeek, Be mindful of the questionmark...

Received these in the post this morning and advised they are 'week 42' teasers for the Ridley Scott Alien prequel scheduled for 2011. The prequel story to the 1979 blockbuster has been mooted around the net as Alien: Origins and Alien Origins, but the latter seems to have won out if you can believe these.

I note that one of the alleged teasers employs both the headline fonts used in the original movie and in James Cameron's 1986 sequel Aliens.

It was a sparse communication, so take it with a pinch of salt - could be the backdrop to a current round of Fox meetings or just a bit of fan-art...


Jordan said...


Jordan said...

The only not-lame thing is that they picked up the symmetrical pattern of three vertical lines that begin the process of forming the word "ALIEN" in the R.Greenberg-created opening title sequence of the first movie.

(I am the only person who has noticed this. Even the designer who did it, somehow doesn't know he/she did it. Nobody is as big a font geek as me.)

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I HATE these posters. The colors are Disney safe, bright and irritating and would be better suited for the Neverending Story. (I wonder when they’ll shit a remake of that one out at us?)


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...